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Come Fly With Us!


Next FSA Launch


The next launch will be held at Dyer Park, 7301 N. Haverhill Rd in West Palm Beach on Saturday, September 28, 2024. Range setup begins at 11:00; teardown starts immediately after the range closes. Help with both functions is much appreciated! 




September 28, October 26, November 9 (Veterans Day weekend), December 21.


GRITS launch - November 23-25, Nashville Georgia - NAR National Sport Launch East. Several FSA members are planning to attend.



Dyer Park Access -

Click the DYER PARK SITE button in the header bar


Entering the park using the north entrance off Haverhill Road: Follow the road around bearing left, go past the maintenance shop (metal building inside fenced compound) then turn left onto the access road. Go south to the first gravel-road ramp and turn right. The parking area is normally off the left (south) side of the road. Do NOT park on or block the side access drive!


Entering from the south, turn right after passing the hill and the entrance to Winding Waters, where the road forks off. Go to the northmost gravel access ramp, on the left (west) side of the road.


Launches: FSA conducts monthly launches on the last Saturday of each month, except for November & December when the launch is the Saturday preceding Thanksgiving & Christmas. The site does not have an FAA waiver; hi-power motors up to I impulse are allowed as long as the flight does not exceed 1200 ft altitude. There are no facilities on the range; restrooms are available by the ballfields at the north end of the field. Bring shade, water and sunscreen and we recommend wearing closed shoes.

FSA Launch Site Location: Dyer Park is located at 7301 Haverhill Road in West Palm Beach. The south entrance is located at the intersection of Haverhill Road and Dyer Boulevard in West Palm Beach, just south of SR 710 (Beeline Highway). Exit I-95 at Blue Heron Blvd; go west approx 1/4 mile to N. Military Trail, then go south approx 1/4 mile to Dyer Blvd; west about 1/4 mile to the SOUTH park entrance, where it says "Winding Waters Preserve". Continue west along the access road toward the Model Airplane Field past the entrance to Winding Waters. Turn right at the first intersection & follow the service road north; look for our pop-ups on top of the hill to the west of the road.

Click on the Dyer Park Site Info link in the menu bar at the top of this page for more information and to view an aerial photo of the site, which is approximately a one square mile total area.

Club memberships: We have club membership forms available at the field, or click on the "Membership Info" link. Dues are $25/yr for individual/family. Daily flight fee for non-members is $5. You can register for FSA membership here:


Email Rick Boyette at for more information about joining NAR & FSA.

NAR Membership: Visit the NAR website at for information about joining the National Association of Rocketry, our sanctioning organization.


See Launch Photos on our Facebook page:

Florida Spacemodeling Association Facebook

Aviation Weather Forecast:

FSA Launch Flyer - Last Saturday except Nov & Dec - we move it up to avoid holiday conflicts. Other monthly launches may be rescheduled for weather or for schedule conflicts with other park activities.

About Our Website

The site was created July 25, 2011 by Rick Boyette ( Please e-mail submissions to Rick at the above-listed email address. If you would like to help maintain the website, please contact him.

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